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5ltr golden film 15w/50 motor oil

Product code: MORMUP005 About this 5ltr golden film 15w/50 motor oil :

Morris Golden Film Classic Motorsport Oil 15W-30.
Golden Film Classic Motorsport SAE 15W-50 is manufactured from high quality mineral oils and an advanced additive system and is designed primarily for petrol engines, but may also be used in older diesel units.
Golden Film Classic Motorsport SAE 15W-50 will keep engine components clean and deposit free, as well as protecting against wear, rust and corrosion.
This grade is ideal for engines starting to suffer from high consumption or reduced oil pressure.
Golden Film Classic Motorsport SAE 15W-50 is an ideal choice for classic and vintage cars that are raced competitively.
This grade has been proven on the track and will provide impressive oil pressure and bearing protection under high load and high temperatures.
Makes include: Mini, MG, Austin Healey, Jaguar, Ford, Aston Martin.
Golden Film Classic Motorsport SAE 15W-50 is also recommended for well maintained, high mileage engines, where oil consumption is starting to increase.
Golden Film Classic Motorsport SAE 15W-50 is also suitable for older engines (1950s, 1960s) that have been rebuilt and a full flow cartridge filter has been added.

Please phone 01392 215635 for availability.

Engine Oils

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