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25Lt Terrain CT30 Transmission Oil

Product code: MORTCY025 About this 25Lt Terrain CT30 Transmission Oil :

Terrain CT30 Transmission Oil
The Terrain CT range is formulated with high quality mineral oils and additives designed to provide the correct frictional characteristics required by Caterpillar in transmission and hydraulic systems. The additive system also gives this oil improved temperature performance, superior resistance to oxidation, rust, corrosion and improved anti-foam properties. In addition these grades have excellent extreme pressure (EP) and anti-wear characteristics ensuring maximum frictional material life in powershift transmissions. Terrain CT grades also have outstanding wet brake performance, eliminating "squawk and chatter" and prolonging component life.

Key Features & Specification
The Terrain CT grades are designed for use in a wide variety of Caterpillar construction and material handling equipment. Applications include: powershift transmissions, direct drive transmissions, winches, final drives for track-type tractors (pipelayers, skidders, loaders, excavators, etc.) and wheeled tractors (loaders, compactors, graders, etc.) and certain hydraulic systems.
These grades may also be used in Allison and ZF powershift transmissions, manual transmissions and torque converters, where an oil of this type and specification is required.

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Transmission Oils

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An important consumable that has a direct impact on the longevity and function of the gearbox, it pays to get an transmission fluid that ensures peak performance levels in your vehicle.

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