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5Ltr EP85W-140 Gear Oil GL5

Product code: MOREPG005 About this 5Ltr EP85W-140 Gear Oil GL5 :

EP85W-140 Gear Oil GL5

EP Gear Oils are mineral oil based lubricants formulated for use in a wide range of automotive, plant, agricultural and industrial transmission systems.
These grades have a high level of extreme pressure (EP) additive that provides effective gear protection over a range of temperatures and shock load conditions.
EP Gear oils also protect components from rust and corrosion.

Key Features & Specification
EP Gear Oils are designed for use in a wide variety of applications, including: manual gearboxes, transaxles, transfer boxes, PTO boxes, reduction hubs/gear, differentials (including hypoid designs), axles, planetary and epicyclic drives, shaft drives, sprocket drives, track drives, track rollers, track idlers, hoist/winch gearboxes, steering boxes, oil lubricated bearings, swivel housings, swing gearboxes, slewing rings/gears, etc.

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Transmission Oils

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An important consumable that has a direct impact on the longevity and function of the gearbox, it pays to get an transmission fluid that ensures peak performance levels in your vehicle.

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